The Jesus Storybook Bible

Ascolta le tracce audio del libro The Jesus storybook Bible di Sally Lloyd Jones, che ti consentiranno di imparare l’inglese facilmente, con una pronuncia perfetta!

Ascolta le tracce

Tracce Audio

1. The story and the song

2. The beginning: a perfect home

3. The terrible lie

4. A new beginning

5. A giant staircase to heaven

6. Son of laughter

7. The present

8. The girl no one wanted

9. The forgiving prince

10. God to the rescue!

11. God makes a way

12. Ten ways to be perfect

13. The warrior leader

14. The teeny, weenie . .. true king

15. The young hero and the horrible giant

16. The Good Shepherd

17. A little servant girl and the proud general

18. Operation “No More Tears!”

19. Daniel and the scary sleepover

20. God’s messenger

21. Get ready!

22. He’s here!

23. The Light of the whole world

24. The King of all kings

25. Heaven breaks through

26. Let’s go!

27. A little girl and a poor frail lady

28. How to pray

29. The Singer

30. The Captain of the storm

31. Filled full

32. Treasure hunt!

33. The Friend of little children

34. The man who didn’t have any friends (none)

35. Running away

36. Washed with tears

37. The Servant King

38. A dark night in the garden

39. The sun stops shining

40. God’s wonderful surprise

41. Going home

42. God sends help

43. A new way to see

44. A dream of heaven



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